ALIGNED PROJECT | Aligning life cycle assessment methods
Aligning life cycle assessment methods and bio-based sectors for improved environmental performance
Aligning life cycle assessment methods and bio-based sectors for improved environmental performance
Sustainable Innovations is a Spanish consultancy firm that provides innovative services to a wide range of sectors across Europe: bio-based industry, energy, industry 5.0, circular economy and advanced materials, among others. The core competencies offered by Sustainable Innovations are structured in two main pillars which bridge the gap between the ideas and the market. On one hand, the R&D management area offers expertise in grant writing, project integration, and advisory services. On the other hand, we are involved in EU project execution, leading several tasks revolving around communication, exploitation, and project administration.
LCA4BIO is a pioneering project aimed at developing and validating a new suite of enhanced, standardized, and precise methodologies tailored for assessing environmental impacts and circularity within bio-based systems.
These methodologies will be instrumental in facilitating the green transition of the European industry by providing practical tools to evaluate the sustainability performance of bio-based products.
LCA4BIO will address the development of prospective life cycle assessment methodologies, incorporating considerations for upscaling and future scenarios using Integrated Assessment Models with manageable levels of uncertainty.
LIGNICOAT project aims to demonstrate technical and economic feasibility of the use of lignin as raw material to produce bio-resins for different applications in the field of functional and sustainable coatings.
Multidisciplinary institute of education, research and technology transfer in biotechnology and processes for agro-industry, pharmacology, and the environment. The research activities in biotechnology and environmentally-efficient processes are carried out by the Toulouse Biotechnology Institute (TBI), a leading biotechnology research unit in France which couples top quality research teams in microbiology and protein engineering/bio-catalysis with process engineering and environmental assessment teams, to enable a ‘gene to sustainable process’ integrative approach.
BioReCer aims to ensure the environmental performance and traceability of the biological feedstock used by the bio-based industries, deploying guidelines to strengthen the current certification schemes. Within this approach, the added value, the use, as well as social acceptance of bioproducts will be increased. To fulfil this goal, BioReCer is structured in three main technological pillars: i) to develop a multidimensional assessment framework for the biological feedstocks and their associated supply chains; ii) to create a BioReCer Innovation Ecosystem Living-Lab with a multi-agent approach, testing the framework in four bio-based systems supply chain case studies; and iii) to use all this knowledge to complement current certification schemes including new criteria for certifying the sustainability, origin and traceability of biological resources, and ensuring applicability in the EU and globally. The project involves 16 partners from 7 countries
(Horizon Europe, 2022-2025) aims to assess and promote the adoption of sustainability certification schemes and labels for industrial biobased systems to support tracing the sustainability of the products along the EU and international value chains and trades.
INRAE is France’s new National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, created on January 1, 2020, It was formed by the merger of INRA, the National Institute for Agricultural Research, and IRSTEA, the National Research Institute of Science and Technology for the Environment and Agriculture.
A4F is a biotechnology company based in Portugal with over 20 years of accumulated experience in algae research and development, and algae production up to industrial scale. A4F is specialized in the design, build, operation and transfer (DBOT) of algae production units, from research, demonstration to industrial scale, using different technologies that better adapt to our Customers’ business. Complementing the long experience acquired, A4F distinguishes itself through its methodology, which includes scaling-up from prototypes in our Experimental Unit in Lisbon to large-scale facilities. Additionally, A4F also develops standard operating procedures for optimized algae production, according to production goals and with industry best practices. A4F has developed over the years a close relationship with the leading national and international universities and research groups in the algae biotechnology fields, as well as with the largest algae producers worldwide. A4F, the first choice for any large-scale contract as a specialist in algae production.
The 3-CO project aims to improve the sustainability performance and competitiveness of bio-based systems and will focus on consumer-oriented labelling options for sustainable industrial BBPs.
The supportive framework that will be developed in 3-CO includes actionable guidelines for label design for LCS owners that reflect consumers’ and other stakeholders’ needs, digital solutions to support better-informed decision-making processes of consumers as well as policy recommendations on deploying social measures.
This framework is going to enable and support consumers to make more sustainable/environmentally responsible purchasing choices.
With 17 EU-funded member projects focusing on textile sustainability, ECOSYSTEX, the European Community of Practice for a Sustainable Textile Ecosystem, has been formally launched in early 2023, with a mission to accelerate collaboration in the textile sustainability and circularity field. Facilitated by the Textile ETP, and with support from the European Commission’s Research Executive Agency (REA), the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) and the Circular-Biobased Europe Joint Undertaking, this new network of textile circularity projects aims to create a long-term community of practice, ensuring collaboration across project consortia and lasting beyond the individual projects’ durations.
It is the competence centre for the textiles and the plastic converting industry, located in the heart of the Belgian textile industry with strong links to most textile and plastic converting companies and the rest of the supply chain including the recycling industry. R&D, testing/measuring and consulting are the 3 main activity areas. The research focus of CENT is on applied research, funded by private contract as well as national and international agencies. CENT offers many tools supporting the industry, including open innovation platforms for prototyping and product development. CENT offers a complete range of standardized testing, it is a notified body for protective clothing and construction materials and can deliver CE marking, as well as other product certifications. CENT is also involved in standardization committees and offers technological advice and training to companies in Belgium or abroad.
CALIMERO will analyse bio-based sectors industrial case studies provided by partners (construction, woodworking, textiles, pulp & paper and biochemicals) to find feasible solutions to improve their environmental performance while considering also economic and social aspects.
Funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme, the LIGFLOW project plans to develop an industry-compatible lignin depolymerisation process that should result in more profitable and sustainable production routes for biomass-derived aromatics.
The RUSTICA projects provides a technical solution to convert organic residues from the fruit and vegetable sector into novel bio-based fertiliser products of high quality that address the needs of modern (organic) agriculture. The project’s ambition goes beyond the simple recovery of nutrients, and also includes the developments of economically viable and environmentally sustainable alternatives to mineral fertilisers with the same or improved agronomic value.
GREENER project proposes the development of green, sustainable, efficient, and low-cost solutions for soil/sediment and water bioremediation, by integrating several remediation strategies with innovative bio-electrochemical technologies.
The EU-funded MODEL2BIO project aims to develop a decision-support system tool to determine the agri-food industry’s residual streams composition and to formulate recommendations on how to use them more efficiently. The tool will be based on the interconnection of a simulation module, an optimisation algorithm and a life cycle analysis module. The project’s recommendations will be formulated under a holistic perspective (technical, economic, environmental and social).
In the EU-funded LEX4BIO project, replacing mineral fertilisers with BBFs is evaluated by mapping nutrient-rich side-streams, estimating their nutrient contents, and providing necessary technologies for producing safe BBFs. By optimising the use of fertilisers according to crop requirements, their environmental impact can be minimised and agriculture profitability improved. The project will provide recommendations for decreasing the dependency on imported fertilisers, closing the nutrient cycles, and improving the sustainability of European farming systems.
The EU-funded ProCEedS project will identify best practices for the implementation of the circular economy in the food supply chain. It will offer solutions, models and methods to stakeholders, including small production, big retailers and co-operatives. The results will assist policymakers and businesses. It has a interdisciplinary approach including LCA, Regional Development, Political Economy & Ecology and Supply Chain Management.
Utexbel is a Belgian integrated textile company from fibre to fabric. It has seven production sites in Belgium: three spinning mills (Ring, Open-End and Worsted), three weaving mills, one package dyeing mill and one piece dyeing and finishing mill. Its main products are yarns and fabrics for workwear, protective wear, fashion, and technical applications. Having control on the textile processing chain from fiber to fabric, UTEX can create and produce yarns and fabrics for circular products, based on mechanically and chemically recycled fibers and is certified Oekotex STeP level 3 for its efforts on sustainable textile production.
It is a young, dynamic, and forward-thinking Belgian university with historic roots and an ambition to contribute positively to society. The Dep. of Engineering Management lies within the Faculty of Business and Economics, that received international accreditations from AACSB and EFMD to testify to the high quality of its education and research.The research team includes about 35 researchers and has an excellent track-record with over 180 WoS peer-reviewed publications, and collaborations with academic, industrial, and governmental partners in national and international projects (such as Horizon 2020 TransformAr (lead partner) and Interreg Nature Smart Cities) and well received educational trainings on master and PhD level.
It is the French division of Oleon NV, a leading international oleo-chemical company with plants in Europe (FR, BE, DE) and Asia (ML), and a world-wide commercial presence. The company believes in the use of renewable natural resources and specializes in the conversion of natural fats and oils in a wide range of oleochemical products. These products are divided in two business lines and six divisions. Base oleo-chemical products from OLEON range from fatty acids glycerine to oleo-chemical derivatives and specialty chemicals. These find multiple applications from cosmetics to detergents and fabric softeners, and food additives.
It is the mother company of the Oleon group: it is on one hand a holding company, being the (sole) shareholder of all other Oleon entities, but also a production unit managing two operational plants in Belgium (Ertvelde & Evergem). OLEON NV aims at developing new sustainable oleochemicals for a wide range of applications, from basic building blocks to specialties. Within the frame of ALIGNED, OLEON will provide support on the R&D side, as well as on the LCA of oleochemicals while OLEON NV will instead provide support concerning the process and the production side, providing data related to the process, but also considering the implementation of potential improvements. Oleon NV is Oleon SAS affiliated entity in this project.
As the largest University in Norway in engineering and technology, its Industrial Ecology Program (IndEcol) is leading research on environmental impact assessment, developing established models for advanced environmental sustainability analysis of technology systems.
Funded in 1965, KING has grown to be the global leader in high-performance insulation and building envelopes. Its mission is to accelerate a net zero emissions future with the wellbeing of people and planet at its heart. KING enables high-performance buildings that can save more energy, carbon and water while enhancing the safety & wellbeing of people in buildings, enabling the circular economy, and always delivering more performance and value. KING vision is challenging building industry traditions with innovation in advanced materials and digital technologies. Planet Passionate is Kingspan’s ambitious 10-year global sustainability programme that aims to impact on three big global challenges: climate change, circularity, and protection of our natural world. Developments, like using bio-based raw materials, to improve the environmental footprint of manufacturing KING products are relying on LCA studies.
Innovative and professional company in the field of timber products. Founded in 1983, is now leading as an early adaptor with wood protection and sustainable development. Within several national and international innovation networks the company has managed to make a significant contribution to the development of new circular technologies for wood protection and wood modification and to drive innovation and cooperation within the timber industry. FOR employs 120 people spread over three different sections: timber-trade and production, timber-constructions and playgrounds and holds a stock of over 15.000m3 with a wide range of timber species at a terrain of 60.000 m2. FOR is specialized in wood treatment from creosote treatment to regular pressure treatment, wood acetylation and thermal modification. FOR has pilot scale impregnation equipment, drying and curing installations and ultrasonic testing equipment.
Swiss chemical company developing technologies for the efficient and selective conversion of biomass to sustainable petroleum-alternatives. Bloom builds on a state-of-the-art understanding of biomass chemistry to design disruptive extraction methods to use second generation feedstocks more efficiently and accessing new high-value bio-based markets. To this purpose, Bloom has developed a comprehensive market study and identified high value applications where bio-based ingredients are highly demanded. BLOOM will start acting as a technology provider by 2027 with a licensing model.
High-tech SME, employing a team of skilled bioeconomy and bioenergy consultants, researchers, technology, and business developers. The firm has three decades of experience operating in the bioeconomy, developing, and promoting technology and processes to produce bioenergy, biofuels, and bio-based products, combining academic intelligence with practical field experience. BTG has structured its know-how services in two business units, Consultancy and Technology, and its expertise covers: technical and market opportunities and sustainability of bio-based products, establishment and coordination of networks, clusters, and Communities of Practice. BTG develops also training, capacity building, and communication materials for various target groups, and in a range of formats.
Leading Danish university with a strong cross-disciplinary and problem-based approach to research. AAU staff as together produced more than 200 LCA scientific publications in international journals and is currently involved in several research and innovation projects on technology assessment, prospective sustainability assessment of emerging technologies, in EU and the Nordic area, for a budget of about 50M euro. These and previous projects deliver methodological as well as applied studies of LCA of biomass refinery systems, technologies for upgrading lignocellulosic feedstock, production, and upscaling of blue feedstock (macro- and micro-algae).