Buyer Meets Supplier (1)

The ALIGNED Project at ‘Buyer Meets Supplier’ Event

The ALIGNED Project participated at the ‘Buyer Meets Supplier’ event held on June 11, 2024, in Leopold Barracks, Ghent, Belgium. This event focused on fostering a circular economy within the commercial textiles and professional clothing sectors.

Jean-Luc Derycke, representing CENTEXBEL, delivered a captivating presentation (download the PDF here) in how the textile chain can contribute to a more sustainable future. 

Several stakeholders, including businesses, industry associations, educational institutions, and training centers, actively participated in the event. The focus was on providing practical guidance for circular procurement, along with actionable tips and tricks for successful implementation. Companies and buyers also shared their experiences with sustainable solutions, showcasing real-world examples of how circular economy practices are being integrated into the textile sector.

This exhibition of sustainable and circular solutions further emphasized the importance of these practices within the textile industry.